BTG Pactual selected TTNET in anticipation of the launch of BM&FBOVESPA’s new matching engine. BTG Pactual will leverage TT’s suite of order-entry software and server-based execution tools through TTNET’s proximity hosted architecture.

TT’s BM&FBOVESPA gateways and server-side engines will be colocated with the exchange’s matching engine to provide the optimal north-to-south and south-to-north trading experience. TTNET accelerates customer access to international futures markets and increases trading platform stability through its high-performance, redundant data centers.

TTNET currently operates data centers in Chicago, New Jersey, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Singapore and Sydney. The opening of TT’s Sao Paulo data center will coincide with the launch of BM&FBOVESPA’s new matching engine, currently scheduled for Spring 2011.

TT’s server-based Strategy Engine (SE) platform will enable traders to trade from virtually anywhere in the world without experiencing the latency typically associated with remote trading. TT’s SE family currently includes two products, the Autospreader Strategy Engine and the Synthetic Strategy Engine. Additional SE products will be released in 2011.

BTG Pactual managing partner Leandro Torres said that partnering with TT enables BTG Pactual to leverage TTNET’s resiliency, speed and global reach to provide clients the fastest and most reliable trading solution.