The US based diversified investment management company said that the funds will be made available later this year.

Virtus Investment Partners executive product management vice president Frank Waltman said the company plan is to provide clients with a wide array of products to help them adapt to changing market cycles, and the new funds further diversify its product offerings by adding the expertise and differentiated approaches of five respected investment managers.

"These funds will offer financial advisors a range of new investment options for their clients, including strategies that are not readily available to the retail investor," Waltman added.

Virtus Herzfeld Fund will be sub advised by Thomas Herzfeld Advisors, and will utilize quantitative, qualitative and fundamental analysis to evaluate closed-end funds; focusing on those funds whose discount to net asset value (NAV) is attractive.

Horizon Asset Management will sub advise Virtus Wealth Masters Fund, which seeks to track the Horizon Kinetics ISE Wealth Index and invest in publicly held companies that are managed by some of the wealthiest individuals in the US.

Virtus Emerging Markets Equity Income Fund will be sub advised by a portfolio management team at Kleinwort Benson Investors International. Identifying a diverse group of companies within emerging markets, which pay above-average dividends, the managers will invest the fund to ensure high return on the investment.

The Multi-Sector Fixed Income Strategies team at Newfleet Asset Management will manage Virtus Emerging Markets Debt Fund, which will invest the funds in a diversified portfolio of emerging market debt, including sovereign, quasi-sovereign and corporate bonds.

Virtus International Small-Cap Fund will be managed by Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management, and will apply Kayne’s domestic equity investment philosophy that seeks to identify high-quality companies that can grow over and over again.