The first implementations are taking place in Cameroon and at the Group’s head office in Geneva, Switzerland.

The bank, which currently issues domestic debit cards and an i-card payment product (an electronic purse based on chip card technology) has begun to migrate its payment business to SmartVista, according to BPC Banking Technologies.

BPC Banking Technologies claims that its solution will enable the Group to broaden its range of card products for domestic and international payments, increase the security of transactions, enhance the management of its ATM network, and develop value added services like loyalty programs.

In Cameroon, Afriland First Bank will be issuing Visa and MasterCard products and BPC will support the Bank in its certification with these international payment schemes.

The implementation of SmartSwitch, one of the core products in the SmartVista suite is expected to drive on-line transaction switching and routing for the Afriland Group.

Afriland First Bank Group executive vice president Jean Paulin Fonkoua Kake said SmartVista is a powerful comprehensive e-payments processing solution that will allow them to transform their card business and enhance their market competitiveness.