BNY Mellon Asset Servicing has added new features to its compliance monitoring capabilities to assist asset owners and asset managers with the post-trade monitoring of their investments.

Reportedly, with compliance monitor, BNY Mellon’s compliance reporting toolkit, clients can review whether executed investment decisions are adhering to specified guidelines or mandates established with investment managers. Designed to meet a growing need for transparency and review, compliance monitor supports an expanded range of guidelines on a post-trade basis, including permissible assets, country and currency exposures, issues and issuers, and other investor benchmarks. The company has said that the new service also can screen on Environmental, Social and Governance (ES&G) criteria, covering more than 20 controversial business issues (such as Sudan divestment, Iran, etc.), which many asset owners have begun to implement.

According to BNY Mellon Asset Servicing, its performance & risk analytics product line, compliance monitor can be part of a fully outsourced service where BNY Mellon provides alerts to clients, or as an optional toolkit clients can access themselves. Reports can be generated daily, weekly or at other designated intervals. Detailed or summary information can be produced covering all securities in a portfolio or just those that violate the guidelines. Violations can then be e-mailed directly to the client for review. Other features, including flags for new violations and improved audit trails, allow users to better document their research.

Greg Stewart, managing director and regional product manager of BNY Mellon Asset Servicing, said: “With the recent market performance, monitoring of investment processes and external managers is more important than ever. Unintended or unknown exposures can create risk and losses and undermine the goals of investors. Compliance monitor gives asset owners an in-depth analysis of their investment managers’ activities. With the new reports, clients can easily see any warnings or violations that warrant their attention, and automated distribution puts this information right at their fingertips. These new compliance capabilities enable clients to focus on key issues without unnecessary data mining, empowering them to make informed investment decisions.”