With this agreement, Pershing will be able to provide exclusive research and analysis on trends and developments taking place in the global economy to its hedge fund, broker-dealer and registered investment advisor customers.

In addition, Roubini Global Economics will also participate in a series of events to be hosted by Pershing Prime Services, BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services and BNY Mellon Global Markets that are designed to help alternative fund managers, advisors and investment professionals navigate the economic landscape.

Pershing said that the inaugural report, States and Sovereigns: Eurozone and US State Debt Woes, will offer in-depth analysis of key questions surrounding the relative risks associated with Eurozone sovereign debt and US state debt.

The report also includes, how US state finances are weathering the crisis given their diminished revenue and looming liabilities for pensions and other public employee benefits, and how high is the anticipated risk of debt default among nations on the Eurozone periphery in the next two years.

Pershing Prime Services managing director Craig Messinger said that as global economic shifts present new portfolio challenges and opportunities for fund managers, demand for timely, macroeconomic analysis is on the rise.

Roubini Global Economics managing director of market research and strategy Arnab Das said that the exclusive research developed for Pershing’s customers will help a growing universe of portfolio managers and financial advisors capitalize on new trends shaping the global economy.