For the quarter period ended on 30 June 2012, its revenues were €100.98bn, down by 8% compared to €109.8bn during the corresponding quarter last fiscal, while gross operating income declined by 14.1%, to €3.76bn compared to €4.15bn.

Operating expenses, which summed up to €6.33bn, were down by 4% compared to €6.6bn during the second quarter earlier year.

The Group’s cost of risk for the latest quarter of 2012, stood at €853m, or 50 basis points of outstanding customer loans, declined by 36.8% from €1.35bn during the same quarter of 2011.

BNP Paribas chief executive officer Jean-Laurent Bonnafé said, "The adaptation plan is almost achieved, well ahead of schedule, solvency has been strengthened and the objective of a Basel 3 fully loaded 9% common equity Tier 1 ratio by 31 December 2012 has virtually been attained."

"BNP Paribas plays an active role in financing the economy and supports its customers across all of its business units."