BMO LifeStage Retirement Income Portfolios provide principal protection through guaranteed capital distributions during the term and the payment of any residual balance at maturity. It also provides stable and predictable monthly cash flow indexed to inflation and tax efficient capital distributions.

BMO LifeStage Retirement Income Portfolios are available in three different versions namely, current pay version with 15 year term; deferred five year version with 20 year term and deferred 10 year version with 25 year term.

Mark Stewart, senior manager for product development and management division at BMO Mutual Funds, said: When it comes to funding their retirement, boomers and retirees ultimately need the following things: capital preservation, growth potential for their investments, inflation protection, tax minimization and dependable cash flow.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many options available to achieve all of these goals – that’s why BMO LifeStage Retirement Income Portfolios can play a vital role in your investment portfolio.