BBVA Asset Management and Robeco have struck a deal whereby the Dutch firm will advise BBVA’s sustainable equity funds. Strengthening the sustainable range is a strategy the asset management company has closely focused on in recent months. Partnering with Robeco will enable us to address this goal by opening up a new dimension while boosting efficiency and flexibility by leveraging the strengths of the two financial groups.

BBVA AM already offers a wide range of sustainable funds, including global equity funds, fixed income funds and asset allocation funds. Our assets under management in sustainable funds now come to €2 billion. Sustainable funds were one of the fastest growing ranges in 2021 (attracting more than €300 million in the first four months of the year).

As part of its Sustainability Plan, BBVA Asset Management decided to go a step further. In the coming months, through our agreement with Robeco, we will substantially expand our range of sustainable funds. “Our goal is to leverage our capabilities with those of Robeco to broaden and strengthen our offering of sustainable, systematically managed funds dedicated to global, European and North American equities, in both the mutual and pension fund formats,” said Eduardo García Hidalgo, Global Chief Investment Officer of the fund management firm.

The deal will let BBVA AM enhance its own teams’ role by drawing support from an advisor with extensive resources that focuses on sustainable investing and provides proprietary analytical capabilities in the field. Robeco will also bring to the table its proven quantitative management capabilities that integrate extra-financial considerations with financial factors. “We are very pleased with the selection of this external advisor and very excited about the project, which we believe will enable us to add even more value for our clients. We have worked with Robeco for many years and, in addition to their proven management capabilities, their commitment to sustainability and their experience in implementing advisory solutions with other institutional clients gives us great confidence,” Eduardo García Hidalgo added.