According to Baring Asset Management, both the funds are designed to achieve long term capital growth by investing in companies which it believe will benefit from the economic growth and development of China.

The Baring China Growth Fund will be established as a UK domiciled investment company with variable capital. The Baring China Select Fund will be established as an Irish domiciled open ended investment company. Both will be run on the same basis, as actively managed best ideas funds able to invest in companies across the full market capitalization spectrum.

William Fong and Agnes Deng will manage both funds. Mr Fong and Mr Deng are members of Barings’ Hong Kong-based Asia Pacific equity team, and the managers of Baring Hong Kong China fund.

Ian Pascal, marketing director of Baring Asset Management, said: We are launching these funds in response to investor demand. The establishment of a UK fund will, we hope, prove very attractive to UK investors, given our credentials in this area. The new funds will have the flexibility to invest across the market spectrum, creating the widest opportunity set for the fund managers to deliver outstanding returns for investors.