In this role, Kheraj will be a senior advisor on a range of commercial and policy matters to Bob Diamond, chief executive and Chris Lucas, group finance director, as well as other members of management across Barclays global operations.

The bank said that Kheraj will dedicate nearly 30% of his time to this role, as he has been engaged with charitable interests and will be spending the majority of his time focused on these activities.

Kheraj will not be appointed to the boards of Barclays or Barclays Bank.

Diamond said that he will look forward to working with Naguib as a colleague once again. He made a significant contribution as a member of the management team, and the bank value his insight immensely as an external advisor. His knowledge and experience will be a huge asset to Barclays during the months and years to come.

Kheraj was most recently CEO of Lazard International, and a deputy chairman of Lazard. Prior to this, he was CEO of JPMorgan Cazenove, a London based investment banking joint venture between JP Morgan and Cazenove.

He was previously a director and member of the group executive committee of Barclays, where he served in a number of senior roles over a period of ten years including group finance director and business line management positions in wealth management, institutional asset management and investment banking.

Prior to Barclays, Kheraj held senior positions at Robert Fleming and at Salomon Brothers in London where he started his banking career in 1986.

Kheraj also has served as a senior adviser to Her Majesty’s Customs and Revenue Service and to the Financial Services Authority in the UK and as a member of the development board of The Prince’s Trust.