This MoU affords the possibility for Europol and Barclays to exchange strategic information, information on trends, expertise and statistical data.

Rob Wainwright Director of Europol says: "Europol is committed to helping financial institutions protect their business and customers from the growing threat of cybercrime. Our work depends on the best possible collaboration with banks and other bodies in the financial sector. I am delighted, therefore, that we have joined forces with Barclays today."

Troels Oerting, Barclays Group Chief Information Security Officer said: "The financial services industry is going through a period of change driven by technological developments that is creating both opportunities and challenges for banks. Digital adoption and the integration of technology into people’s lives is changing the way our customers and clients do business with us, but it’s set against the backdrop of new risks such as cyber attacks.

"Europol have long played an active role in this space so by signing this agreement we will be able to collaborate with them in the fight against cybercrime, further strengthening Barclays’ defences and ensuring even greater security for our customers and clients into the future."