The bank has installed the software to gather and analyse exposure to risk across its entire business on a local level as well as globally.
ZKB claimed that the new release of Misys Risk Vision has enabled it to benefit from expanded risk mitigation functionality in the area of netting agreements and collateral. It provided ZKB with additional coverage in the areas of commodities, swaps and annuity loans. Continual optimisation of both intra-day and end-of-day performance allows better management of daily workflows. This ensured the accuracy of real-time exposure information for use by both front-office users (via Pre Deal Check (PDC)) and credit decision makers.
Misys Risk Vision is one of the suite of risk solutions from Misys, providing customers with an integrated risk management framework. Risk Vision is an enterprise-wide risk management system used by banks to manage market risk, credit risk and limits in an integrated way with a single view of every risk exposure across all business areas.
Luc Seydoux, head of credit risk management at ZKB, said: “Risk Vision 5.5 provides us with the ability to execute more stringent credit risk management processes. When the markets were in turmoil during the fourth quarter of 2008, Misys Risk Vision was of paramount importance to ZKB. We have significant trading operations so having the information available in real time was crucial to knowing our risk position relative to our counterparties’ credit risk.”
David Stewart, solutions director at Misys Risk, said: “The development of Risk Vision has centred on offering financial institutions a total view of their risk whenever and wherever it is needed. We are delighted to have worked with ZKB to ensure our enhanced functionality offers greater performance and flexibility to their risk management procedures.”