By using IBM WebSphere software and services to build its SOA and integrate its various service components, Bank Negara Indonesia is able to aggregate critical data generated by separate systems. The data on customer accounts can be shared with new applications by creating the links between the services. This is expected to cut down the development time as the bank does not have to write a new customer account program for the new applications. When information is updated in one system, the changes are reflected automatically in the others.

With SOA, Bank Negara Indonesia is expected to be able to protect its IT investments by recycling many of its existing software applications. This is due to the fact that the SOA is based on open standards which allow existing and new applications to easily ‘talk’ to each other through IBM integration middleware.

The next phase of the project is to implement WebSphere Service Registry and Repository to manage the services that are defined by the bank. This tool manages the repository of services that are already defined and used in Bank Negara Indonesia, and also tracks the versions of the programs. This tool helps workers know which version the programs are on.

Henrisa Lubis, vice president of information technology division of Bank Negara Indonesia, said: We realized the powerful benefits of SOA and chose IBM due to their world class technology which will enable us to respond quickly to emerging needs and changing technological circumstances.