The lender said that the users can talk with a BofA teller through real-time video and receive the same quality of personal assistance offered at a banking branch.

Designed to provide bilingual support in both English and Spanish, the ATM with Teller Assist caters cash checks for the exact amount and change and offers cash withdrawals in numerous denominations including $1, $5, $20 and $100.

BofA retail banking and distribution executive Katy Knox said, "This technology gives customers easy, convenient access to ATM banking services with the added option of having a personal interaction and the support of a teller available at the push of a button."

The lender has planned to install the video teller ATM to assist in banking center, drive-up, and remote locations.

Beginning this month, it will be available at a BofA banking center in Boston, while introduction in other banking centers in select US markets will take place later this year.

BofA serves nearly 53 million consumer and small business relationships with almost 5,500 retail banking offices and about 16,300 ATMs and also has 30 million online banking active users.