AXA Bank Europe’s Hungarian branch has chosen Nordic Edge Opacus as the authentication solution for securing the log-in for its banking customers, for accessing bank services. When the customer logs in to the AXA Bank customer website, a one-time password is requested.

The bank has said that the one-time password is sent to the customer’s mobile phone and by stating it, the customer will be granted access. The AXA Bank can also use Nordic Edge Pledge, a mobile client where the mobile phone turns into a hardware token.

Jim Carlsson, CEO of Nordic Edge, said: “We are very proud that AXA Bank chooses Nordic Edge OPACUS, a Versatile Authentication Service, to secure the login for their customers. Our solution integrates easily with the existing infrastructure, so customers can deploy them quickly and start to generate savings in both time and money while at the same time minimize the risk of frauds.”

Nordic Edge develops solutions for identity and access management for local networks and cloud computing services. Its offering includes two-factor authentication, role based delegated user administration and provisioning.