Alphabet, a software provider in strategic IT planning and management, has licensed its planningIT to an Asian financial services group which aims to improve management and co-ordination of the group’s planning processes across its IT operations world-wide.

PlanningIT’s practices for project portfolio optimisation and mitigation of risks and redundancies in IT projects as well as the product’s compelling return on investment and time to value were also determining factors in selecting the service.

Alphabet said that planningIT will replace an in-house developed repository tool which had become a costly drain on resources to manually maintain and keep information up-to-date.

Bank stakeholders involved in project planning processes can now plan and track proposed services in planningIT and manage approved projects via a standard interface to CA’s Clarity PPM tool. As a result the bank will be able to gain insights to realign budgets, priorities and assignments as well as understanding of the total cost of IT ownership, added alphabet.

Erik Masing, CEO and founder of alphabet, said: We are pleased to welcome this customer into the circle of global financial services players using planningIT. Companies such as Credit Suisse, Generali, WestLB, Munich Re and AXA Winterthur are already using planningIT to improve IT management processes.