ATB has committed to a further 10 years, licensing the latest version of Misys Equation, which has been re-architected into an SOA environment using BankFusion platform. It delivers Java (J2EE) re-usable components to the bank and gives better security, risk management capabilities and the flexibility to scale the business rapidly.

ATB will also benefit from BankFusion Equation’s ability to tailor and modify business processes to requirements, no longer constrained by the underlying technology. In addition, an in-built tool automatically generates the system’s Java code significantly reducing manual input and errors whilst accelerating solution modifications.

Henny te Beest, CFO and MD of Amsterdam Trade Bank, said: BankFusion Equation is a truly world-class solution that will bring us tangible benefits in the way we run our business and bring new products to market. Misys has developed a solution that keeps us ahead of the competition in the service we provide our customers and will be able to reduce our operating costs, lower operational risk and tighten security at the same time.

Guy Warren, EVP and GM of Misys Banking, said: Amsterdam Trade Bank has taken advantage of the innovative capabilities that BankFusion Equation brings the industry. Being able to accommodate growing business volumes and expand product lines to meet constantly changing market requirements is vital for banks such as ATB to maintain their competitive edge. The unparalleled flexibility that BankFusion Equation brings the bank will ensure that this objective is met while minimising both cost and the potential disruption of new systems development.

ATB is a fully-owned subsidiary of Alfa Bank, a Russian private financial-industrial conglomerate and a long-standing Equation customer. ATB provides both standard and tailor-made products in the field of Russia-related trade and project finance, corporate banking and international money transfers. Its main business is to provide lending to large corporations in Russia and other countries, fuelled by its internet savings scheme in the Netherlands and Germany.