The ICPNO is a collaboration of the top Online Banking ePayments (OBeP) network operators.

Leveraging existing banking infrastructure, OBeP networks provide online consumer authentication and cash management and settlement services.

ACH Colombia´s consumer OBeP offering is PSE (Pagos Seguros en Línea).

PSE, as with all OBeP networks, offers consumers an online payment choice without sharing any personal financial information, provides companies with real-time authorization and guaranteed payments for ACH transactions and, unlike other alternative payments, keeps financial institutions in a primary position in the payment loop.

ICPNO chairman Alex Grinberg said ICPNO is pleased to welcome ACH Colombia as the newest member to the International Council of Payment Network Operators.

"With more than 10 million transactions in 2010, ACH Columbia brings an important and invaluable voice to the council," Grinberg said.