FARIN is a leader and industry trendsetter in the enterprise risk management space, with their flagship asset liability management platform and highly regarded advisory services.

Farin advisory services and solutions are essential for financial institutions in determining interest rate and liquidity risk exposures and addressing these issues with loan and deposit pricing.

FARIN’s industry experts tailor solutions for each institution, from modeling the impact of net interest margins and interest rate shocks to providing loan and deposit pricing studies and tools, resulting in significantly improved profitability.

“We are focused on accelerating growth through the acquisition of new technologies and capabilities, with the express purpose of providing our customers with best in class enterprise risk solutions,” said Wayne Roberts, CEO of Abrigo.

Adding, “FARIN is a perfect fit for Abrigo’s strategy to make big things happen for community financial institutions. With its innovative approaches to asset liability management, FARIN enables its customers to grow and increase profits by managing market and liquidity risk.”

Dave Koch, CEO of Farin Financial Risk Management adds, “We are extremely excited about joining forces with Abrigo. This partnership brings new and exciting opportunities for our clients as well as our experienced team of dedicated professionals.

“This combination of innovative, industry-leading companies will continue Tom Farin’s commitment to helping community financial institutions.”

Tom Farin, Chairman and Founder adds, “Abrigo is committed to the values of leading-edge products, thought-leadership education and outcome focused professional services for community institutions that drove FARIN for 34 years.”

Abrigo is funded by private equity firm Accel-KKR (AKKR). Park Durrett, AKKR Managing Director, states, “We invested in Abrigo to build a platform company serving financial institutions needing enterprise risk management solutions. This acquisition adds to a strong and growing portfolio and will continue to enhance the value the company brings to both its customers and the industry.”

Source: Company Press Release