Mr Groenink started his career working for Amro Bank in 1974. After various roles in both the national and international businesses, he was appointed to the managing board in 1988. In the 1990s, he shared responsibility for the investment banking business. In 2000, he was appointed as chairman of the managing board of ABN Amro.

Arthur Martinez, chairman of the supervisory board said: Rijkman Groenink deserves a great deal of recognition for his achievements on behalf of the bank during his career of more than 30 years. Under his leadership, ABN Amro has been transformed into a well-integrated banking group with a clear focus on the mid-market segment for both consumer and commercial clients.

Mr Groenink said: My main driver has always been to provide a prosperous and profitable future for the clients, employees and shareholders of our bank. I am proud of the large number of customers who have been able to realize their personal and professional dreams with the support of ABN Amro. I am proud of our employees who – also in the sometimes difficult conditions of the last few months – have always been ready to serve our clients.