The 11-year-old firm known for coming to the aid of New England individuals and communities in times of economic distress now has offices from southernmost New Hampshire to near the Canadian border.

"Sometimes, you just want to sit down and speak face-to-face with your financial person, and we want to make that as easy as possible," says Bennett, CEO. "Our most important relationships are with our existing clients, and we have a lot of them in the Bedford area, many dating back to the 1990s."

The Abbott Bennett Group offers wealth management services with an emphasis on pre-retirees and retirees. Its goal is to protect and grow accumulated wealth so clients have the income they need for their lifestyle without fear of outliving it.

"We protect against the blind sides — losses in the market, excessive fees, your longevity, and taxes — with a variety of tools," says Abbott, CFO. "In the north country, we have farmers, loggers and tradespeople who work very hard for their money. We want them to have the peace of financial security in retirement."

The partners became known for rushing in to help during the recession when communities with a single large employer endured sweeping cuts. That happened in Beecher Falls, Vt., when Ethan Allen shut down most of its furniture plant in 2009.

"People lost their jobs and they were losing their life savings as the stock market fell," recalls Abbott. "We got on our horses and started helping them."

The firm continues to provide its services to many of those families, small business owners, and non profits.

Bennett and Abbott are life members of the Million Dollar Round Table, a global association whose members demonstrate exemplary performance and highest standards of ethics, knowledge, service and productivity. Their firm has twice been named New Hampshire Five Star Wealth Managers for client satisfaction.