BayernLB’s  decision  to  optimise  its  entire  custodial  processes  using  the  investment  management  software  XENTIS  had  one  clear  objective:  to  further  enhance  the  excellent  business  performance  of  its  custody  services  arm,  while  at  the  same  time  being able to effectively satisfy the constantly growing demands of the market and the supervisory  authorities.

For  the  technical  implementation,  BayernLB  is  collaborating  with its wholly owned subsidiary, BayernInvest Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH. (BayernInvest  KVGmbH).  For  many  years  now,  BayernInvest  KVGmbH  has  already  successfully relied on XENTIS, which handles all the core tasks for capital management companies and custodians, and digitises and automates the relevant processes, such as fund accounting and investment limit controls.

Stefan Hoerpel, head of department for custody services for the group’s own capital management  companies  at  BayernLB,  explains:  “As  a  ‘Modell  2’  custodian,  we  consider it essential to have our own, independent solution for fund accounting and investment  limit  controls.  We  are  confident  we  have  made  an  excellent  choice  in  XENTIS, a market-leading product that is the best solution for us. An important factor in choosing the software was also that XENTIS is very well established in the German custody  services  market.  The  new  solution  significantly  boosts  our  performance  capacity  and  thereby  further  increases  security  and  efficiency  for  customers  of  BayernLB.”

Johann  Maurer,  head  of  department  for  custody  services  for  the  non-group  capital  management  companies  served  by  BayernLB,  comments:  “In  the  past  I’ve  been  consistently  impressed  by  the  powerful  functionality  and  user  friendliness  of  XENTIS.  As  one  of  the  first  users  among  German  capital  management  companies  and custodians, I can look back on many years of positive experience with XENTIS. I am delighted that BayernLB is now switching to an innovative, versatile and well-established fund accounting system, so that it is extremely well equipped to meet the future challenges of the custody services market.”

Roger Wildi, CEO of Profidata AG, stresses the importance of the custodian market for Profidata: “Managing funds for custodians and capital management companies is one of the core functions of XENTIS. We will therefore continue to make selective investments  in  this  area  to  ensure  we  can  provide  our  customers  with  effective  support in future in performing their tasks. We are delighted that BayernLB has made the switch to using XENTIS for managing and optimising its custody services.”

BayernLB – a brief profile BayernLB is one of the major commercial banks for large corporates as well as SME customers in Germany. As a member of the Savings Banks Finance Group, BayernLB is a close partner of the savings banks in Bavaria, providing them with a wide range of  products.  Retail  customers  are  mainly  served  by  BayernLB’s  subsidiary  Deutsche  Kreditbank AG (DKB).BayernLB  has  provided  custody  services  for  over  25  years  and  has  become  one  of  Germany’s  top-performing  and  most  successful  custodians.  Over  the  decades,  BayernLB  has  built  up  its  custodial  function  into  a  core  expertise  and  supports  its  clients with a broad range of products and services. Facts & figures for the custody service business

–    The custodian currently has around 35 billion euros of assets under custody

–     Here  it  works  with  more  than  35  asset  managers,  most  with  a  global  footprint,    and several capital management companies

–    The funds under custody include over 50 mandates for ‘Master-KVG’ structures

Source: Company Press Release