Transactions in these securities will be sent to Euroclear Bank’s local agent for processing in one of the three Brazilian central securities depositories (CSDs).

The three CSDs are Camara de Custodia e Liquidaçao (CETIP) for corporate bonds, Companhia Brasileira de Liquidaçao e Custodia (CBLC BM&F BOVESPA) for equities, and Sistema Especial de Liquidaçao e de Custodia (SELIC) for government bonds.

Euroclear Bank previously signed MoU with CETIP and CBLC in 2007 and 2008, respectively.

Euroclear Bank chairman of the Board Frederic Hannequart said Brazil’s capital markets are attracting growing international investor interest.

"Our clients will now be able to settle transactions in Brazilian domestic securities through our agent, Citibank, in the Brazilian market. This is a very important development in reinforcing our commitment to the Latin American region and in extending the scope of our services to clients," Hannequart said.

Brazil is the third Latin American market where Euroclear Bank offers services for domestic securities.