In this newly created role, Albright’s will be responsible to establish, implement and maintain policies and procedures that apply to the affiliated exchanges’ self-regulatory organization obligations, and

She will also responsible for ensuring exchange operations comply with both the exchanges’ rules and policies and with SEC and CFTC regulations and laws.

Albright will report to CBOE president and COO Edward Tilly and to the regulatory oversight committees of the exchanges.

CBOE chairman and CEO William Brodsky said, "Her in-depth knowledge of securities markets and her legal experience in both market regulation and the corporate sector will be invaluable in assuring that our exchanges fulfill their obligations as self-regulatory organizations."

Albright, who is currently working as an attorney for Kirkland & Ellis in Chicago, worked at the SEC from 2001 to 2006, latterly as senior counsel for the division of enforcement in the office of market surveillance.