Investment advisor said the new models will include both a growth and a growth & income model and whenever possible, its GPS models will use combinations of ETFs offered by iShares & PowerShares.

According to the RiverFront, the new GPS portfolios are constructed using its proprietary dynamic strategic Price Matters asset allocation framework combined with its tactical adjustments.

The results will be two dynamic ETF model portfolios that are diversified between asset classes and industry sectors including US, international and emerging market stocks and bonds, along with commodities, currencies and other non-traditional asset classes.

RiverFront chairman and chief investment officer Michael Jones said that RiverFront’s business model is based on serving the needs of leading FAs, and the GPS portfolios are a natural extension of that philosophy.

Tim Anderson, RiverFront’s chief fixed income officer, together with Doug Sandler, RiverFront’s chief equity officer will oversee the model construction.

Anderson said that PowerShares and iShares give RiverFront a comprehensive set of ETFs that RiverFront believe will give almost all the tools it need to construct these portfolios.