India-based ICICI Bank, which has opened its first US branch in New York City in March 2008, has joined the Allpoint ATM network to offer surcharge-free ATM services to its customers located outside of India.
Allpoint Network has said that with this partnership ICICI Bank will offer access to more than 2,500 surcharge-free ATMs at retailers such as 7-Eleven, Duane Reade, Target, Costco and CVS, in New York State.
Ben Psillas, president of Allpoint Network, said: Convenience is one of the most significant challenges facing a foreign bank in attracting new business within the US. With Allpoint’s 37,000 surcharge-free ATMs, ICICI Bank is able to address this limitation and compete more effectively immediately.
GVS Ramesh, head of ICICI Bank’s US branch, said: The New York branch offers a range of services and products to our valued customers. ICICI Bank has launched the Global Indian Account facility, the first of its kind in India, which addresses the banking needs of Indians moving overseas by giving them access to financial services from the time they enter the US. Allpoint enables our Global Indian Account customers to have access to over 35,000 surcharge-free ATMs coast to coast and over 2,000 across the UK, providing a unique value proposition for Indian customers.