CAMICO Mutual Insurance, the CPA-owned carrier of professional liability insurance, and Liberty International Underwriters (LIU), a division of Liberty Mutual Group, have forged a new program to service CPA firms nationally.

CAMICO stated that the CAMICO-LIU program would be administered through CAMICO’s wholly-owned subsidiary, CAMICO Insurance Services (CIS). The new program will focus primarily on policies with limits of $3 million and higher, and will be underwritten by LIU using Liberty Mutual Group companies.

According to the company, the new program is expected to strengthen and expand its capacity for offering coverage and risk management services, especially to larger CPA firms.

Bruce Eisler, Senior Vice President, Professional Liability for LIU, said: “By combining CAMICO’s demonstrated expertise in accountants’ liability with Liberty Mutual Group’s financial strength and LIU’s significant experience in professional liability insurance, we will bring the high level of underwriting, claims management and risk management service CPA firms expect from an insurer.”

The CAMICO-LIU program is expected to protect firms against malpractice claims and damages from errors committed while providing professional services.