The Western Union has selected YellowPepper, a mobile financial solutions provider in Latin America, to participate in its digital vendor program. The program is intended to extend the reach and accessibility of Western Union Money Transfer services to mobile finance initiatives across the globe.

Western Union is certifying mobile platform vendors to reduce integration costs and accelerate go-to-market activities for banks and mobile operators by creating standard technical deployments. Once a bank or mobile operator contracts with Western Union to activate the Western Union Mobile Money Transfer service, its consumers will be integrated with Western Union’s core transaction processing system.

YellowPepper provides products and services that enable mobile financial transactions between financial institutions, businesses and consumers in Latin America. The company offers mobile top-ups, transfers from a bank account via cell phone and bill payments via mobile. The company has operations in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru and the US.

Matt Dill, SVP and head of digital ventures at Western Union, said: “YellowPepper is well-known for providing convenient, easy-to-use services throughout Latin America. They also have strategic relationships with some of the biggest mobile operators in the region, and we feel that this alliance is a great opportunity to introduce cross-border transactions into their established, trusted system.”

Serge Elkiner, founder and president of YellowPepper, said: “Each YellowPepper product addresses essential financial needs. Now, more than ever, mobile financial solutions are critical to Latin America’s underserved financial community. We are very excited about working with Western Union, a global leader in payment services and money transfers, to introduce cross- border mobile money transfer services in our region.”