Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has launched KFH BlackBerry service to its clients and to the public. The service includes finance calculators, live currency converters, in addition to information about KFH’s sectors and businesses.

Fahad Al-Mukhaizeem, marketing and public relations manager of KFH, explained that KFH is keen on having a variety of communication channels with its clients by using latest technology. He went on to say that KFH will publish its daily news through this program, not to mention the latest banking, commercial, and real estate offers.

Further, he said that the service is free of charge and that it is currently not connected to banking accounts or any other banking operations, in addition to the fact that the service is only applicable for Black Berry cell phones only.

Mr Al-Mukhaizeem added that KFH will work on reinforcing the program by adding other services in the future, such as adding services’ links directly and expanding the applicability of the service to other advanced cell phones, which will increase the numbers of users locally and around the world during the upcoming years to reach around 35,000 Black Berry cell phones in Kuwait.