Discover Financial cardmembers can get started by selecting an option that describes their credit standing, as well as how they plan to manage their balance. Users may also select an option from each of the three CardBuilder customization offerings.
CardBuilder also enables users to choose which type of rewards program they prefer whether it’s cash rewards (Cashback Bonus), airline miles or getting interest back for paying on time (Pay-On-Time Bonus).
Moreover, applicants can pick a specific plastic design by choosing from 28 card designs, including those with art, botanical, monogram, pets, sports, wildlife and patriotic themes.
Once the applicant has selected his or her rewards preference, tailored the design, customized the terms and has been approved for a Discover card, he or she can enjoy the same built-in features and benefits that come standard with all Discover cards, such as helpful financial tools, customer service and fraud protection.
Anas Osman, vice president of acquisition at Discover Financial Services, said: “Providing customization options continues to be a critical component in helping cardmembers manage their finances. We understand that people use credit in different ways and are seeking flexible options that allow them to choose features that are most relevant to them.”