The extension follows its current cooperation between both the groups through their joint venture CNH Capital Europe (EUR675m of originations in 2009; EUR1.2bn of outstanding) and the expertise of BNP Paribas Lease Group in the Belgian and Dutch markets.
The activity of CNH Capital Europe in Belgium and in the Netherlands has been offering financing and leasing applications since the beginning of this year and providing services together with the manufacturer.
The extension of this partnership will enable BNP Paribas Lease Group to apply in Belgium and the Netherlands a model which has been successfully running. CNH Capital Europe will support CNH commercial teams through the sales development of CNH branded equipment such as Case IH, Case Construction Equipment, New Holland Agriculture and New Holland Construction.
The presence of BNP Paribas Lease Group in the Belgian and Dutch markets also represents an asset in the business development of CNH in these countries.
Jean Olivie, who leads the equipment and logistics solutions international business line within BNP Paribas Lease Group, said: “CNH is a historical partner for BNP Paribas Lease Group.”
Daniel McTaggart, vice president Europe at CNH Capital, said: “Our partnership with BNP Paribas Lease Group has existed for 13 years, demonstrating the solid relationship that exists between our two groups. The extension of the CNH Capital Europe Joint Venture scope in Belgium and the Netherlands will enhance the competitiveness of our commercial offering and contribute to the growth of our equipment’s sales.”
CNH Capital Europe is now active in 7 countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.