Through the agreement, DirectFED Deposit, Skyline’s DirectFED’s remote-deposit-capture software, has been leveraged to create Pronto, a solution that enables banks, credit unions and retailers to immediately process checks with the Federal Reserve System.
Skyline claimed that financial institutions and retailers can benefit from the operational advantages such as cost-savings and those associated with check-processing solutions.
Pronto features a ‘plug-and-play’ set-up process that enables financial institutions and retail locations to install the solution in just a few hours.
Chris Reagan, president of Talaris North America, said: “In seeking a partner on Pronto, Talaris strived to incorporate software that supports our dedication to maximizing customers’ efficiency and helping improve their bottom line. Like Talaris, Skyline’s DirectFED values its ability to make a tangible impact on customers, so we’re thrilled to offer substantial check-processing benefits via Pronto.”
Jeff Korbin, executive vice president of Skyline’s DirectFED Payment Solutions, said: “Pronto was custom-designed to address Talaris’ specific objective to offer customers fast and easy benefits of Check 21 without financial burden, technology integrations and additional hardware. We’re pleased to collaborate with a company that’s equally committed to pioneering remote deposit capture solutions designed specifically for financial institutions and retailers.”