The Brighter Planet Visa credit card enables customers to earn one EarthSmart point for every $1 spent in purchases. The points earned are used to help build community-based renewable energy projects across the US.

Points earned with the Brighter Planet Visa credit card are automatically redeemed each month to support renewable energy projects. Each 1,000 points earned is projected to offset one ton of carbon dioxide. Eliminating one ton of carbon dioxide has the same global warming impact as taking an average car off the road for two months.

Patti Prairie, CEO of Brighter Planet, said: With a majority of Americans wanting to do something about the environment, the Brighter Planet Visa credit card offers a practical and effective way for individuals to take personal steps to build a clean energy future. Consumers should conserve what they can, then use the card to offset what they cannot.

Michael Rhodes, senior vice president of business development for North America card services at Bank of America, added: The Brighter Planet Visa credit card – in combination with other steps consumers take to change their day-to-day energy consumption – provides consumers with an added opportunity to help counteract global climate change and invest in the environment.