With increasing competition in the market and pressure from regional regulators, buy and sell-side institutions are expanding their businesses worldwide, to manage costs and improve efficiencies.

Several companies are also ensuring that they remain adaptable, compliant and have trusted access to company-wide transaction and reference data in real-time.

NRI Financial Solutions’ newly launched securities processing platform meets these requirements leveraging newer technologies and years of client-focused experience, claims NRI.

The platform reduces the number of processing systems, offers support for global, regional and off-shore processing models, drives volume scalability.

Ability to adapt to rapidly changing regulatory environments, it is capable of delivering real-timeon-line processing, with flexible implementation options and support for multiple entities, products, currencies and institution types.

NRI Financial Solutions is delivered through ASP or on a licensed basis, which enables users to customize their implementation with several modules, including dashboard and exception management, trade capture, lending and borrowing, position and balance, settlements, among others.

NRI provides financial IT solutions for investment banks, asset managers, banks and insurance providers. It had JPY335.5bn ($3.48bn) in annual sales as of 31 March 2012.