Armitage joined Schroders in 1992, initially as a research analyst covering financial stocks and was seconded to the Sydney office in 1995 where he worked as a portfolio manager and analyst.
Armitage ran the Schroder ISF US All Cap and Schroder ISF US Large Cap funds, but also co-managed the global equity funds Schroder Global Alpha Plus and Schroder ISF Global Equity Alpha.
Schroders has selected Joanna Shatney, portfolio manager on the US large-cap equity team, to replace Armitage with immediate effect.
Funds managed and co-managed by Armitage before his departure will be split between Shatney and Virginie Maisonneuve, the head of global and international equities, with their objective and management style remaining unchanged.
Shatney will now helm the Schroder ISF US large cap equity and Schroder ISF US all cap funds, both of which the departing manager held sole responsibility for.