Dubbed as (V12.3) of COLLINE, the new platform has been designed by experienced business practitioners for end-to-end, cross-product collateral management and clearing.

Besides reducing risk exposure, the new technology fulfills the requirements of the increasing demand for multiple/global entities, cross-product margining, clearing, optimization, master netting, MIS reporting, dispute management and electronic messaging.

Changing the track from a bilaterally-cleared to a centrally-cleared model, the G20 moved for standardized over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives after the 2008 crisis.

This transformation will enable financial organizations to support existing bilateral agreements and those cleared on an exchange either directly, through a clearing broker.

Developed to support both house and client-clearing for direct and indirect clearers, COLLINE’s Clearing Module V12.3 also delivers flexible functionality with rule builders to allow clients to manage their on-going requirements.

Lombard Risk CEO John Wisbey said, "Our COLLINE clients benefit from regular functionality enhancements that meet market demands as they arise.

"Our dedicated product team applies ‘at the market’ expertise in the ongoing development of the product, always designed to enable our clients to operate at maximum efficiency."

Lombard Risk COLLINE product director Helen Nicol commented, "COLLINE collateral management and clearing has been designed to meet the Dodd-Frank and EMIR market regulations for mandatory central counterparty clearing."