Revolut, a global financial super app, has introduced its own Robo-Advisor service in the European Economic Area (EEA), to automate investing according to the customer needs.

In June last year, Revolut launched its Robo-Advisor in the US to manage investment portfolios on behalf of customers and allow them to invest with lower fees than traditional companies.

According to the company, the Robo-Advisor is helpful for investors who don’t have the time to do extensive research to actively invest or those with limited or no trading experience.

It assigns a portfolio based on customers’ personal information and the assigned portfolio will automatically rebalance with the market.

Also, the Robo-Advisor helps customers to invest through a diversified portfolio without spending hours on research and continuously managing their portfolios, said Revolut.

Revolut EEA wealth and trading head Rolandas Juteika said: “We are excited to add a Robo-Advisor to our suite of wealth and trading products. We know that many of our customers do not have the time to manage a portfolio or invest in individual securities.

“In fact, 53% of customers we surveyed last year said they simply don’t know where to start when it comes to investing.

“Built to make investing more accessible, we want to give our customers the ability to make their money work for them in what we believe will be a tailored and stress-free solution.

“We’re now actively working to broaden the range of investment opportunities available through our Robo-Advisor, and to integrate even more financial planning tools.”

Revolut said that its Robo-Advisor will provide a diversified and customised portfolio based on the customers’ responses to questions that will identify their risk tolerance and financial goals.

When a customer deposits money into their portfolio, the Robo-Advisor automatically invests it in the market and continuously monitors and manages the customer’s portfolio.

The tools will automatically rebalance customer portfolios based on the performance of the assets within the portfolio and perform timely reviews.

Revolut is offering the Robo-Advisor services with a minimum starting investment amount of €100 and can set up recurring transfers starting from €10.

The recurring transfers will allow customers to increase the size of their portfolio at a predefined time and frequency to reduce the impact of short-term price volatility.

The company will charge a yearly portfolio management fee of 0.75% of portfolio value.