VTB has launched online banking on the globally accessible, cloud-based instant messaging system, Telegram. During the first stage, VTB introduced online banking via the Telegram messenger, where users will be able to check the balance of their VTB cards and accounts, transfer money via the Faster Payment System, the bank’s press office announced on Thursday.

“Launching a new digital service on Telegram is a first for the Russian and global financial markets, combining simplicity and security. We are introducing a new customer service today, with plans to gradually increase its capability to the level of a full-fledged application. The speed of daily operation will more than double thanks to modern technologies,” VTB Board Member Svyatoslav Ostrovsky was quoted by the press service as saying.

VTB stated that the launch will take place in stages. Users will first have access to the most popular services, such as checking the balance of their cards and accounts in VTB, transferring money via the Faster Payment System, and paying for their mobile services. The bank plans to introduce QR payments later, as well as the ability to generate QR codes, a transaction history, transfers between accounts, and other options. VTB intends to provide clients with access to all day-to-day banking services and also usher in some digital products by the end of 2023.

“The service will be available to owners of smartphones of all operating systems, and it will become a reliable alternative to the AppStore application for iOS users,” the bank said.